Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Brett Flanigan Interview

Brett Flanigan is an artist who resides in Oakland, California.  

Here is the interview I conducted with him via e-mail.

Q:  What is your favorite piece or one of your favorite pieces you've made?

Brett Flanigan:  I found this fake greek style pedestal in the trash and scribbled all over with spray paint. It can now display objects in art galleries, such as discarded beer cans. 

Q:  Why do you like it? 

Brett Flanigan:  I like it because it says; “classy but trashy.”

Brett Flanigan painted this pedestal.

Q:  What's your favorite piece of somebody else's art, or one of your favorites? 

Brett Flanigan:  Carl Spitzweg’s “The Poor Poet”.  
Q:  Why do you like it? 

Brett Flanigan:  It has a certain enigma since it has been stolen so many times, each time as a very unique and artistic act in itself. But I mostly like it because it is an incredibly accurate portrait of me sitting in my room. The attic beams, the leaky roof, the bed folded up against the wall, etc.

Carl Spitzweig painted this painting called "The Poor Poet"
Here is a picture of Brett Flanigan.
Q:  Do you want anything from the store?
Brett Flanigan:  Yes, an ice cream sandwich please.

Brett Flanigan's Website Link

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