Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Art Basil LA Has Basil, Art Basel Miami Has No Basel

This is a picture of a booth at Art Basil LA 2015.

Art Basel Miami will happen December 3 - 6 in Miami Beach Florida, and gallerists can get a booth there for $50,000.00 or more.  It's a trade show relevant to wealth, and it might be prestigious and important and cultural and smart and elevated and highbrow and elite and inspired and beautiful and lofty and highfalutin' and full of what everybody loves about art,  the fame, prestige and money.

Art Basil LA will also happen December 3 - 6 in Los Angeles in John Kilduff's backyard, and gallerists can get a booth there for $50.00, or the event organizers can waive the fee if exhibitors can't afford it.  As the CEO of Art Basel LA, Kilduff says, "It's gonna be fun!  It's a no-brainer.  Which fair would you do?  You're not going to go bankrupt doing Art Basil."  And it will be streamed 24/7. 

Each gallery will get a 12" x 12" x 10" booth and they can fill it up full of art, although one New York City gallery will be digging into the earth 18 inches in homage to Urs Fischer's concept piece, "You," at the Gavin Brown Gallery in 2007.

It's a truly international event with two galleries coming from Canada and one from Greece.  Galleries from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Ohio, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Brooklyn and Oakland will also attend, bringing the total number of exhibitors to over 20.

Eight healthy, young basil plants will perfume the air with their inimitable basil fragrance, and some of the exhibitors will bring their own basil.  So Art Basel Miami won't have Basel, but Art Basil LA will have basil!

The semi-private VIP party is Thursday December 3rd, and VIP's will be attending.

Art Basil LA

Here is a picture of a possum.

The official mascot of Art Basil LA is the possum, and it will be running around at night checking out the art when all the convention attendees are still up partying.


  1. Sounds like so much fun! I wish I was an artist!

  2. Your words flowed through my mind like an orgy of pleasure! Great article
    Paulette. Sincerely, lord Eric J. Montoya Duckweather.
